Eugene Ionesco, the most famous absurdist playwright who broke theatrical traditions


In 1950 a new stage writer was born. It was Eugene Ionesco.
His first play, “The bold singer” performed in the theatre”Noktambiul” by Nikola Bataj, surprised the public that it made storm in the opinion. And eve that today we can still find people who say that day can’t see themselves in the Martins and Smiths, “The bold singer” is from along time ago, a classic in contemporary theatre. He is a world famous play writer, his plays are played all around the world, and about them a great deal of scientific publications are written. But one stage writer is not born with his first play. Behind it are thoughts for literature, for theatre, for the world, and sometimes for many different subjects. Behind stands a man, his entire life, a combination of passions, desires, experiences.
We will exclude the usual biography path, and directly take you to his world, Ionesco’s world, trough his thoughts on theatre, life, politics, society, man…

– For a man that works in theatre, a dream is something like a prototype for a play. He actually is a drama, play. Whilst dreaming we are always in a “dramaturgical situation”. My point of view is in the following: In dream we have much clearer mind then time when we don’t sleep; second, I think trough pictures’ third: all dreams are theatrical, dream is always a play, if a man in time of dreaming has fell in  a “dramaturgical situation” .

– Logic is outside of life. Logic, dialectic, all kinds of systems- all are made in a mechanical order. There all kinds of forms of matrix. In ideological systems, where everything is known, filling about reality is easy to lose…

– My main thought is that the theatre mustn’t be illustration, of something known. The theatre is searching. And thanks to that searching, every time we find a deferent truth. that most often is unbearable, but together with that, it can make you blind with its clearness and refreshment…

– “Absurd” probably, is not understanding some things, laws of the world. He is born, from the conflict of my will and the will of the world, and also from the conflict with me, with the struggle of the contradictory desires and needs. I, in the same time want to live, and I want to die, or to be more precise, I carry with myself the urge “to death” and “to life”…

We hope this little tribute to the great genius of theatre, Eugene Ionesco will satisfy your daily portion of theatre. In future we’re making a special place for him in our alternative theatre section.

Read more at:

Eugène Ionesco 1909 – 1994

Eugene Ionesco’s life

The Paris Review