The Beauty of Vintage Posters


Today marketing and advertising have an important role in the success of a play and the theatre in general. There’s a rule that says that good advertisements sell, that’s why theaters, and other cultural institutions, invest a lot of resources into the production and quality of how a play or movie is presented.

Let’s go back to the beginning of the last century and see how things worked when technological developments were far less sophisticated.

fete de nuit bal


clever cats

Le MiroirVintage posters often have a specific color theme, and they express sympathy, nostalgia, and longing for the past.

moulin rouge

sarah bernhard -queen elizabeth

trojan incident

cat ona a hot tin roof

They remain an important part of pop culture, and we can find them as poster reprints, on t-shirts, various decorative items they have been an inspiration for artists, for the movie theatre posters, or books covers.


cats mug Today, almost one century later they are a highly valued commodity, and most of them are in the hands of collections of film, theatre, and vintage paintings. They jealously hoard them because of their rarity and the ability to take us to a distant time, that is why others are willing to pay large sums to have them.

teatro gilanduja

 the palys the thing

the wizard of oz

We hope that you enjoyed this little journey into the past, and in the specific vintage beauty of these posters and maybe we inspired you to create your artwork.