Ten Unusual Sculptures in Unusual Places


Today we want to show you Ten Unusual Sculptures in unusual places.

Some of them are in water, in the desert, in the city streets, parks and squares…

Metalmorphosis, Charlotte, North Carolina
Metalmorphosis, Charlotte, North Carolina
Die Badende (The Bather), Hamburg, Germany
Die Badende (The Bather), Hamburg, Germany
Man in the Water, Stockholm, Sweden
Man in the Water, Stockholm, Sweden
3D Sculptures in Desert
3D Sculptures in Desert
The Awakening – Washington D.C.(USA)
The Awakening – Washington D.C. (USA)
The Giant Hand, Atacama Desert, Chile
The Giant Hand, Atacama Desert, Chile
Spider Sculpture by Louise Bourgeois
Spider Sculpture by Louise Bourgeois
Cherry on Spoon Sculpture in Sculpture Garden
Cherry on Spoon Sculpture in Sculpture Garden
Expansion, New York (USA)
Expansion, New York (USA)
Sculpture of a baby by Marc Quinn
Sculpture of a baby by Marc Quinn