Preparing for an Audition


An audition may cause you to feel insecure, fear, it could make you feel nauseous, make you want to run away and give up, or even to leave it all behind and reevaluate your profession.

“I have had so many bad auditions” – Ian Houk

But if you love your profession, and you need a job, you want to play a role, then you have to go to an audition, over and over. Auditions are a necessary part of your professional life, that is why you have to be positive and prepare the most you can. One of the biggest contributors to stress when auditioning is not what to prepare, but how to prepare it. Here is some advice that may help you to feel better and be more confident throughout your preparation.


1. INFORM YOURSELF, the best you can

You must know, who will be in the room sitting by the table. So find a way and try to find out, from your agent or the casting director, who will be there, because you can tailor your material, your conversation, and your questions accordingly. You also will get a numb to the questions, suggestions, and requests that will come at you in all sorts of directions when you audition.

2. CHOOSE THE TIME, if you can

You should skip auditions that are during lunch hours, because when the team becomes hungry and needs a break, there is a chance that they may become wrestles, impatient and defocused, so don’t take an unnecessary risk.

actor audition chuse your time 1

And if you have a choice, don’t be last on the list, when auditioning. Casting is a difficult and all-day process, and at the end of the day, the team is tired and they all want to go home as soon as possible.

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While you waiting, avoid unnecessary conversations that can make you unsure or nervous, if there are other actors there don’t compare yourself with them and get discouraged.

3. TAKE CLASSES, if you need

actor audition take classes

Find some actors to share your experiences with, try to learn for them if you can, and if you think that you need more training, find a teacher and take a class. It will help you to be surer in yourself and help you be more confident on the day of the audition.

4. PREPARE YOURSELF, the best you can

Try to memorize the text as best you can, don’t try being perfect, if you make a couple of mistakes don’t become deconcentrated. Respect those five minutes by giving it your all.

actor audition learn a script

If you can, read the whole script, because it will help you understand your character and be better prepared for your role, so if they ask you something which is later in the story, you familiar with the material.

On the day of the audition…