You want to be an Actor? Then you Need to…


We want to show you the skills that can help you prosper in acting as a profession, even though we see it more than a profession, a way of life.

ben kingsly

You need talent, love, to be willing to work hard, but you also need:

1. Motivation, while working you have to be developing your motivation and keep it constant.

2. Oral communication skills, you need to be comfortable speaking in front of large audiences.

3. Ability to take initiative, which means that you need to do what needs to be done without anyone always telling you to do it.

4. Ability to concentrate and to be consistent in your concentration.

5. Adaptability and flexibility, you need to be willing to try new ideas, accept new challenges and try learning something new.

faces of actor

6. Ability to think and learn quickly and correctly in a short period and be a good listener.

7. Patience and the will to solve problems, you have to identify problems, evaluate possible solutions, and try to solve them.

8. Good time management skills, with promptness and respect for deadlines.

9. Self-discipline, you have to know how to control yourself.

10. To find ways to enjoy your activities, to have fun, and to be happy.


If you don’t already know this you need to learn:

11. To work cooperatively, because you have to know how to be a team player.

12. But also to work independently, sometimes you must complete the work without the supervision of your director.

13. To respect your colleagues, and to respect the authority which may be a difficult part to play for some people.

14. Respecting the rules, because rules, are very important when you work in a team with deadlines.

15. How to accept disappointments and responsibilities, and how to move on, which is very important for the next acting role.

sherlockAnd an important and necessary ability is to work under pressure!

Do you still want to be an actor? Go ahead and pursue your dream.

83rd Academy Awards, Photo Corner

All these abilities and skills we mentioned are very important for actors but can be useful in a lot of jobs and everyday life.